Thursday, May 15, 2014

Keeping Banana-plug and Alligator-clip Cables Untangled and Accessible

Alligator-clip cables have this tendency to act like little grappling hooks and latch on to other cables forming impenetrable knots. I saw a simple solution to this problem back when I was in university studying Electrical Engineering. We had labs fitted with all kinds of gear and hanging on the wall was a rack of neatly organized cables. I made it my side-project this week to replicate that rack at school:

I guess it doesn't look that orderly but believe me, it's an improvement. It took me half an hour to untangle the cables that I loaded onto the rack in this picture.

The rack is detachable from the wall so you can carry the cables to other classrooms when necessary. Gravity keeps it seated in two brackets screwed into the wall.

I'm not a carpenter but I swear I can do better woodwork than this; I was low on free-time and itching to get the job done. I don't think I measured a single cut!